As Long as it Takes, by Lillie Elsworth


The goose plopping in the fen violet long neck white neck a birch in the peat bog geese mate for life like the black vulture like the gibbons who sing belly to back in the jungle mountains but alone now and no eggs, except for the moon. How long will it take to find another like you when the peat is long and deep the black roots under our feet the roman coins under our feet the young bones under our feet still and kept like a woman’s gold watch. Years pass in the peat bog with little disturbance to the wind which blows dander and cotton heather from the east. How long will it take. The goose moves on. —Published 6th of September 2022 About Lillie Elsworth Lillie lives in a studio flat on the outskirts of Exeter. She enjoys surrealism and weird, uncanny imagery. Lillie also enjoys making clay tiles and eating baked gnocchi. You can find more of Lillie's work in The Cardiff Review, and on the Young Poets Network website.