Untitled, by Andrew Martinez

You’re fine tuned to changes in pressure
The low lying fields and flat farm lands of the so called south Texas valley have taught you well
Your first words whenever we arrive somewhere new are
“The elevation has changed”
And you look around to feel the forces against you
The changes in pressure

The sun shines brighter at higher places on this earth and still
With such thin air and so little pollution
You are the only blinding thing near
Your voice reminding me what it feels like to be held and what pressure
Your waist against mine
Should feel like
I feel only you
On the coast or
In the clouds


— Published 7th of April 2020


About Andrew Martinez

Andrew Martinez is an undergraduate student and aspiring community organiser based in Austin, TX. His work mainly revolves around the Latinx experience in the United States, bipolar disorder, family, and feeling unnecessarily edgy.